Element Tobacco
Element Air Line 200g
Element Air Line 200g
Element presents natural resource based hookah tobacco
ABOUT TOBACCOThe perception of tobacco is largely influenced by its strength, which is why we created a concept of the four elements, the lightest of which is the air, and the strongest — fire. AIR, WATER, EARTH, FIRE — 4 elements, so that everyone can choose their own!![]() AIRLight ![]() WATERAverage ![]() EARTHStrong ![]() FIREVery strong
The strength is regulated by use of Burley tobacco with different geografical origins — liquid nicotine is not used for this. Also cigar tobacco is used in the line of products FIRE. Only high — quality European flavors are used in Element, many of which are designed exclusively for our brand. LONG AND BRIGHT SENSATION OF FLAVORThe average duration of smoking — 60 minutes, rich flavor and strength is maintained throughout the whole smoking process. HEAT RESISTANCE AND SMOKINESSDue to high quality tobacco leaf and the way of processing it, ELEMENT loves heat. It’s heat resistance is above average, it easily restores the flavor when blowing and cooling the bowl. EASE OF USEELEMENT is finely chopped, without debris and excess syrup. No need to be a professional — it takes just to put tobacco in any bowl and smoke. PACKAGINGThree-layer film is used in order to preserve product’s flavor, which protects from light and moisture. SOFTNESS OF SMOKINGLiquid nicotine is not used in production of tobacco mixture, so tobacco is gently smoked and does not irritate the throat. Such effect is also achieved by moistening the tobacco leaf. EXCISE TOBACCOThis is a guarantee of stable quality and flavor. Excise tobacco undergoes sanitary and epidemiological control, which confirms its safety. |